
A last word from Marcella Baione

I know how you must have felt before our arrival! Ten days sound long when you're organizing the stay day by day trying to fit all in: you feel worried for matching students and families who have never met, nervous for unexpected events that may occur and silently hope everybody will enjoy those days together. I myself was worried too. I wasn't supposed to come till a few days before leaving, my colleague who joined the group at the very end and didn't know much of our project, my students at their first experience in a family abroad, the choice of bringing film experts from Italy to carry out our ideas, and on and on.. Our heads were full of unanswered questions, but there's no need to use words to sum up our experience in Antwerp! Just close your eyes and see host families and my students say goodbye... I think it's enough! It all worked out well we, but above all you, made it! We all have reached our goal!
There's no much to say about our trip home, the flight was on time and we got to Arezzo at aboout 10 pm. Some of us had to put on more clothes as our luggage was rather heavy.. and we looked like the Michelin man... There was silence during the trip, we all were tired of course but I think we all needed to reflect on our just concluded experience. The silence was broken when my students met their families...
So thank you again for your generous hospitality and warm welcome and see you soon in Italy!!
to be continued......
