Two of our colleagues, Mrs. De Ridder & Mrs. Paelinck, visited Arezzo for the second time.
Ready for a detailed report of the events?
Day 1
Wednesday morning at 5.30u we started our journey. After 10 hours tram, train, bus, airplane, train and train we arrived in Arezzo. In the evening we were invited at a buffet and movienight with the Italian and Indian students.
Day 2
Thursdaymorning we were expected in the theater at 9 o’clock. For the official opening of CinémaCinémi. We’ve watched a lot of short movies made by different schools and students from all ages. In the afternoon we followed the workshop “dubbing”. All Italian movies are dubbed. Later on we’ve visited the town. In the evening we enjoyed a great show by Clive from Speakeasy … a perfect example of a practical English class combine with popular music.
Day 3
Fridaymorning …. It’s our day! When we arrived at the theater we were very happy to see the Italian students who visited Antwerp again … it was a warm welcome with a lot of kisses. After a few more beautiful examples of schoolmovies … we enjoyed the dancingclip for our project “La Grande Bouffe”! While the students were dancing on a famous Belgian song “Fritkot” they were eating French fries in a very special way! You must see it, to believe it.
In the afternoon there are several workshops to follow. We had a wonderful Indian evening with typical dishes and a wonderful dance.
Day 4
Early in the morning we went to visit Fossombroni school. The principal and the history teacher gave us a great tour around the school. We were very impressed by the modern building, and enormous library.
At 10 o’clock we arrived in the theater, were the awards ceremony “Cinéma Cinémi 2013” was held. We didn’t expected to win an award … but YES!!! WE DID!!!
Everybody enjoyed a nice lunch.
In the evening we had a buffet with the organizers of the festival.
A last word from Marcella Baione
I know how you must have felt before our arrival! Ten days sound
long when you're organizing the stay day by day trying to fit all in: you feel
worried for matching students and families who have never met, nervous for
unexpected events that may occur and silently hope everybody will enjoy those
days together. I myself was worried too. I wasn't supposed to come till a few
days before leaving, my colleague who joined the group at the very end and
didn't know much of our project, my students at their first experience in a
family abroad, the choice of bringing film experts from Italy to carry out our
ideas, and on and on.. Our heads were full of unanswered questions, but there's
no need to use words to sum up our experience in Antwerp! Just close your eyes
and see host families and my students say goodbye... I think it's enough! It
all worked out well we, but above all you, made it! We all have reached our
There's no much to say about our trip home, the flight was on time
and we got to Arezzo at aboout 10 pm. Some of us had to put on more clothes as
our luggage was rather heavy.. and we looked like the Michelin man... There was
silence during the trip, we all were tired of course but I think we all needed
to reflect on our just concluded experience. The silence was broken when my
students met their families...
So thank you again for your generous hospitality and warm welcome
and see you soon in Italy!!
to be continued......
We would like to thank everybody who helped us making this project a success!!!!!
Thanks to our colleagues, Italian colleagues, principals of both schools, the students, the host families, ... and everyone we forgot.
We'll see each other again next year.
Patricia & Niki
Thanks to our colleagues, Italian colleagues, principals of both schools, the students, the host families, ... and everyone we forgot.
We'll see each other again next year.
Patricia & Niki
DAY 10
This morning, the Italian students wrote reports about the activities they went through.
In the afternoon they were free to visit Antwerp City.
You can read the reports below:
In the afternoon they were free to visit Antwerp City.
You can read the reports below:
- Sandra Nannucci
On Wednesday (23/01) we went to the zoo with our
teachers and a Belgium class. When we arrived the teacher divided us in groups, one
Italian with three Belgians. We saw a lot of animals. While we were visiting the
zoo, I talked a lot with a Belgian girl about our interests.
I liked the tigers a lote. I love all animals, but the
animals seemed sad and so was I to see them in a cage. Then we ate at the restaurant of the zoo.
After lunch we saw
the show of seals. There was a woman who played with the seals. I’ve just seen
the dolphin show, but this was very funny and nice.
At 15.30 pm we came back home by bus.
- Mattia
Thursday 24 November: Bruges
We went to school at 7:50. At 10:20 we arrived
to Bruges. We went to the chocolate museum where we were divided in two groups. The
first group visited Bruges and the second visited one the museum. After lunch
the first group visited the museum and the second visited the city. At 4 pm we
met in the centre and we took the bus heading back for school.We arrived at school at 18:30.- Giordano Magni
Friday: theatre Burla’
We were at school at 8 and we went to the centre by
car. When we entered the theatre, the guide talked about the history of the theatre. We were sitting in the
seats in front of the stage, we visited the stage, the backstage, and we went
also under the stage to visit the structure of the theatre. At the end we were
sitting in the seats in the highest point of the theatre.
After that we went to the museum. It was a nice day and we came back to school at
15 o'clock.
- Lorenzo Camilletti
Monday 28th
We went to
school in the morning and we entered the gym. In the gym there were other
Belgian students waiting for us. They learned us how to dance the song by
fritkot, Halve Neuro. They divided us in 3 groups and every group had a role in
the song. I was in the 3rd group but I never danced before so I was a little bit ashamed also because I can’t dance. After the dance time we went in a classroom
to see a film in dutch, I didn’t understand nothing because there weren’t any subtitles and after the film we went to Antwerp where they filmed us while we were
eating fries. After that we went back home with our host families.
- Tecchi Alessia
Saturday: Cooking class
On Saturday I woke
up at 8 o’clock, I had breakfast with Yannick and Lennert.
Yannick’s mother, has accompanied us to the kitchen. Then we cooked together!!!!!
We cooked vol au vent, French fries and pancakes.
Me and Yannick’s slogan was “We are the best, we
can do it!”
We enjoyed so much!!!!
After finishing the dish, we ate it!! It was
very good!!!!!
Then we cleaned the kitchen and took a
picture together!!
At the end Yannick and I returned home by
car, Erika and Lena were with us.
We saw car that was turned over. I was scared because I thought he died…
In the evening we had diner at home and we went bowling!
Yannick won every time!!
We enjoyed very very much!
- Elena
Friday the 25th
we went to the museum MAS
We saw the contemporary works. There were
8 floors where works were displayed, and 2 floors leading to roof.
In the
museum there were big bars where we could take a chocolate or biscuit or sandwich
with cheese… We were in different groups… We visited every floor…
- Catalina
we had to do some parts from a film.
We had many
morals and
each one had a costume. First we tried the scenes in the classroom.
went to Antwerp, but the weather didn’t help us because it was rainy.
boy was San Nicolas, some girls were dressed as gifts, and some of the
servants, a boy was the superstar and the other people were fans.
San Nicolas
arrived with a boat with the servants and the gifts and the fans waited him.
the superstar
arrived, people forgot
San Nicolas.
suddenly the gifts fell to the ground and
everybody was worried.
the superstar helped and all people were happy.
At the end we
returned to school and after to our house.
- Albiani Sara
I had a great day.
I woke up at 10.30, I
had breakfast with my host family and then we went to
the centre
of Antwerp.
We were walking around
the markets but… It started
raining! So we went into a café
to get something hot to drink, I got a cup of hot chocolate whit sour
cream, it was delicious! Meanwhile we played cards all together, and I won
3 times!
After that we visited a
museum, the birthplace of Rubens. It was very
At 16 o’ clock we went to the home of
their grandparents, and we had tea with biscuits.
Then we came back home, and I played the Wii for the rest of the afternoon with my girl’s little sister.
At 19.30 we had dinner, we ate pizza!
After dinner I went to bed at 22, I was really tired!
- Orlandi Sara
In the
morning I got up at 8.30. At 9.30 I went with my friend Sandra and Ellen to cooking lessons. We prepared French fries, vol-au-vent and pancakes. At
13.00 we had lunch. In the afternoon I went with my best friend Laura in
Antwerp City to do shopping. We entered a lot of shops. At 19.00 we came back
home and then I had dinner. After dinner I watched a film and at 23.00 I went
to bed.
- Laura Berneschi
Sunday I got up at twelve. I had breakfast with my family and I ate cornflakes and I
drank orange juice. After I played with my computer, I had lunch at 2.30. I
ate hot dogs. At 4.30 we went to the
bowling and I played with my family, my friends Sara and Erica and their families.
At 19.00 I had dinner and I ate chicken with my family and grandmother. I got
to bed at 23.00.
Today we went filming at the MAS museum.
We took shots from the film 'Zot van A".
It will become a silent movie in black and white.
Mirco was the specialist in action. He also made other films in Italy as a professional producer. We were lucky to have him!
Unfortunaly the weather was awfull ,wind and rain!!! But it couldn't stop us having fun.

We took shots from the film 'Zot van A".
It will become a silent movie in black and white.
Mirco was the specialist in action. He also made other films in Italy as a professional producer. We were lucky to have him!
Unfortunaly the weather was awfull ,wind and rain!!! But it couldn't stop us having fun.
After a well-deserved day off, we've danced on a song from "Halven Euro" a
famous Antwerp RAP band. It's a song about the famous Belgian fries.

It was a very diffucult dance, but ... the result will be
To make the dance complete, the Italian students and teachers went
back to Antwerp in the afternoon to take some movieshots in front of a
"frituur" and eat some Belgian fries!
Looking forward to Mirco's and
Nicola's moviemaking talents ...
After the dance we've seen the movie "Zot van A" (Crazy about you). It was a bit difficult, because the Italian students didn't have any subtitles in Italian or English. But the movie isn't that hard to understand. Tomorrow we will choose the actors, and go to the similar places in Antwerp to take those shots.
After the dance we've seen the movie "Zot van A" (Crazy about you). It was a bit difficult, because the Italian students didn't have any subtitles in Italian or English. But the movie isn't that hard to understand. Tomorrow we will choose the actors, and go to the similar places in Antwerp to take those shots.
Let's hope the weather is going to be good!
Cooking lesson. 26th January
We're in a school Kitchen in Hoboken watching out students cook out lunch. Outside it's all white. It's snowing. The students are divided into small groups of three or four: Italians and Belgians host students mixed together preparing "vol au vents" and "pannekoeken".
We, Italian teachers, arrived here late as we got lost and couldn't find the school.
We saw them very busy cutting meat and mushrooms under the supervision of Lieve Dirks,Valerie Lesneuck and Kenny Venmans.
They were taking it seriously asking each other for advice. There was a good smell coming out of the saucepans. The timing was perfect and everything was ready for lunchtime. Every group invited a teacher to taste their dishes. The dishes looked very good and tasted delicious. Before the families arrived, the kitchen
was clean again as if no one had been there.
It was a very positive experience for the students since many of them had never cooked before.
visit to the Bourla was the highlight of the day or was it the MAS?
At the Bourla we got a visit behind the scenes. It's a theatre with old, but solid materials. The guide explained a lot about the construction of the building and the making of the scenes.
the "MAS" the students discovered the magnificent view over
Antwerp on top of the roof. Different expositions got their
at school we got one of the experts giving lessons about the use of a mask and
body language . Our students got really fascinated during this adventure.
dinner, the was a "PARTY" at school!!!!!!!!!!
Today, 24th January Trip to Bruges
It was a very cold morning when the Italians and a group of
Belgian students were on a bus to Bruges. Luckily it was quite warm on the bus
and some of the students took a chance to talk with the foreign mate while
others were taking a nap while we were driving through a completely white
countryside. Once in Bruges we split the group in two mixing the students
together. A group went to the Chocolate Museum and the other one around the
city tasting good chocolate. The Chocolate Museum was a complete
experience into the world of cocoa, starting from its origins in South America
to its arrival in Europe where the Belgians excelled for quality and creativity
with pralines. Next to the Taste Room there were some astonishing statues in chocolate,
featuring cartoon characters, classical and modern sculptures. After a lot of
theory and history all the students stopped to see a live demonstration of the
making of pralines, which finally they could taste.
The chocolate itinerary went
on among the beautiful Medieval streets of Bruges, its stone bridges and iced
canals. The cold didn't stop us to pop into some chocolate shops to taste the
wide choice of flavours and buy some sweet souvenirs.
In the meantime Mirco and
Nicola filmed some scenes for our documentary.
Today the Italian students and our students got
a French lesson by mrs Lesneuck.
After that they went to another class for several other lessons, for example music, science, history...
At 10 o' clock we took the bus heading for the zoo.
Almost every animal was inside because it was too cold.
We also saw a show with sea-lions.
It was a very nice, cold but sunny day.
At the end of the day we went to the central station of Antwerp to make a short movie.

For more pictures or for movies, just click the tab-pages on top.
After that they went to another class for several other lessons, for example music, science, history...
At 10 o' clock we took the bus heading for the zoo.
Almost every animal was inside because it was too cold.
We also saw a show with sea-lions.
It was a very nice, cold but sunny day.
At the end of the day we went to the central station of Antwerp to make a short movie.
Day 2 - Culinary Walk
After a good night sleep at the hostfamilies, they arrived @ school for a lesson Dutch taught by our headmaster, Mrs. Van Ast.
Our pupils learned a few words in Italian, taught by the Italian guests and the father of Mrs. De Ridder.
Then we took the bus to the center of Antwerp.
Mr. Venmans was the guide of our culinary walk. Chocolates, cookies (Antwerpse Handjes), meatballs with cherries (krieken met frikadellekoek), French fries with mayo were greatly appreciated by the Italian students.
We had lunch in an old cellar, named "De Pelgrom".
't Steen, Brabo, Vleeshuis, Vlaaikensgang, St.-Anna-tunnel and the Cathedral are a few things we saw in this magnificent city.

Our pupils learned a few words in Italian, taught by the Italian guests and the father of Mrs. De Ridder.
Then we took the bus to the center of Antwerp.
Mr. Venmans was the guide of our culinary walk. Chocolates, cookies (Antwerpse Handjes), meatballs with cherries (krieken met frikadellekoek), French fries with mayo were greatly appreciated by the Italian students.
We had lunch in an old cellar, named "De Pelgrom".
't Steen, Brabo, Vleeshuis, Vlaaikensgang, St.-Anna-tunnel and the Cathedral are a few things we saw in this magnificent city.
Day 1
Today our Italian guests arrived at Charleroi
airport (only 10 minutes delay).
At school we did a small introduction tour.
Then we had dinner with the Italian guests,members of the district Ekeren and teachers.It was a very friendly groep of students and we hope they feel at home here in Antwerp.
After dinner the hostfamilies met their Italian guests.
After a short meeting they left. Let's hope they sleep well because tomorrow is a buzzy day.
Antwerp here we come!!!
At school we did a small introduction tour.
Then we had dinner with the Italian guests,members of the district Ekeren and teachers.It was a very friendly groep of students and we hope they feel at home here in Antwerp.
After dinner the hostfamilies met their Italian guests.
After a short meeting they left. Let's hope they sleep well because tomorrow is a buzzy day.
Antwerp here we come!!!
One of the activities
Halve Neuro ==> A famous Antwerp band.
You will learn this song when you are in Ekeren.
Singing without dancing??? No way!!!
Here's a possible choreo for the song! Start practicing!!!
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